Leadership Forum: Web Design & Development
What started out as a simple website for leading NYC-based international business coach, author, podcast host and motivational speaker, Dr. Wanda Wallace, to help establish an online presence for her personal brand and promote her book ‘You Can’t Know It All’, quickly evolved into 3 additional web design projects.
Out of the Comfort Zone
Firstly, a subscription site where users can buy memberships to gain access to exclusive content and bonus training materials pertaining to Wanda’s popular business podcast ‘Out of the Comfort Zone’, as well as signing up for more intensive virtual courses designed to help aspiring business leaders advance in their careers.
Leadership Forum
Secondly, a complete overhaul of the Leadership Forum website, giving the UX, UI, site structure and information architecture a full refresh to firmly position the brand as a modern, vibrant, forward-thinking international organisation for a changing world.
With offices in New York, Washington DC and London, Leadership Forum provides coaching and consulting services, runs workshops and facilitates team events for business leaders all over the globe, including Fortune Global 500 and FTSE 100 companies.
Liam Fahey
And finally, a new website for Wanda’s partner in Leadership Forum and leading business insights expert, executive educator, public speaker and author, Dr. Liam Fahey. Liam’s personal assistant approached us to redesign his website following feedback from his publisher. A new edition of his bestselling book ‘The Insight Discipline’ was about to be released and the publisher, the American Marketing Association (AMA), felt Liam’s website could work harder to promote it.
The new website reflects Dr. Fahey’s status as one of the world’s preeminent business insights practitioners and the feedback received from Liam’s publisher and peer group, on his personal website as well as the new Leadership Forum site, has been very positive indeed.